The Esp8266 device is a common microcontroller if you need wifi/wireless lan/wlan on a device.
Programming of the esp can be done using different environments and programming languages.
One quite popular method to programm this device ist the PlatformIO ecosystem.
One nice feature of the device is the option to do an over-the-air firmware update (OTA Update).
PlatformIO support this option, but does not provide a standalone firmware updater to flash the generated bin file to the device.
This means, if you want to use the OTA feature you need to have PIO installed.
This is not what a customer may want.
PlatformIO provide a cloud infrastructure do an update using the world wide web.
This is not what you may want.
Therefore we implemented a tool to update just the compiled bin file to the ESP device.

This tool is also available if the IoT device run in an local subnet or does not have access to the WWW for other reasons.
Customer will be able to update the device just by himself, using a PC and a local network.
Download developers documentation
The program does not need an installation.
Just download the with the link below.
Unzip the file to FlashEsp8266.exe and start the program.
Select a bin file and the IP target and click „Flash“.
Thats it! The program will transfer the bin file to the device in OTA mode.
The tool is industrial proved and used to update the gauge module M3 of our customer rAAAreware.

Hi, thank u for useful article!!
is there a linux version? My only computer with built-in wifi, except for smartphones, is a linux laptop.
Dear Alex,
unfortunately we do not have this software for Linux.
Due it is developed in Pascal/Lazarus it may would be possible to compile it for mac computers.
If you are a professional user we may can talk about a port to Linux.
Thanks, Jochen
Hi, Is there a version for macOS ?
Dear Vince,
unfortunately we do not have this software for macOS.
Due it is developed in Pascal/Lazarus it may would be possible to compile it for mac computers.
If you are a professional user we may can talk about a port to mac.
Thanks, Jochen
Just some feedback. I got the BitBumper working!!! Brilliant little program.
A further question:
What must the local port number be? I am not sure how I would find it or can it be left blank, and I just keep the Random TICKED?
Hi, I have my OTA to ESP8266 working without any issues, and can upload using the Arduino IDE.
My Network Port on the IDE is displayed as: esp8266-0927cc at
I would like to use BitBumper but it hangs up… My questions are:
1 Must the BIN file live in the same location as the BitBumper exe? I have copied it into the location to try out. You cant seem to pick the file so I type in the name of my BIN file, how does it know where to find the BIN file path?
2 I type in my IP address as what should the Port number be? Can I leave it at 8266?
Dear Les,
good to hear that it is working!
To your questions
1: its in the pdf doc – there it is written:
Put the tool onto a place on your harddisk.
Put the firmware file into the same location.
2: The IP and Port is dependend of your ESP.
It is the ip and port for which the esp is programmed.
Thanks for the feedback!
Dear Sir
How to use this tool if my esp8266 setup OTA with password?
Dear Tran Cong Tuan Anh,
unfortunately the OTA authentication is not supported yet.
I will write a personal note with the options I can offer to you.
I am trying to make an OTA flash in my ESP8266 device. My computer and my device are at same network and them are connected. Bit bumper is not working and show only following message:
10:03:52 444 **** Flash ESP with [firmware.bin]
10:03:52 447 Send invitation to ESP @ with MD5[d2631bc3e78acf7057e33d2ccf599e31]
10:04:02 450 No device response
10:04:09 203 **** Flash ESP with [firmware.bin]
10:04:09 207 Send invitation to ESP @ with MD5[d2631bc3e78acf7057e33d2ccf599e31]
10:04:19 212 No device response
What am I doing wrong?
Danilo Edson Furlaneto
Hello Danilo,
it seems, that your esp device is not ready to receive OTA data.
Can you do the OTA update with your development-environment (IDE)?
To implement a propper OTA is not that easy – but there is a lot of information in the net to do that.
The tool we programmed is to enable OTA for customers, which do not have a full esp/arduino development-environment.
First you have to check, if the OTA is working within your IDE like VisualStudioCode, Arduino-Framework or Atmel-Studio.
If this is working it should also work with our tool.
Good luck!
BitBumper deleopment team